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Our search for Keyword: 9781402013515 ,ISBN: 9781402013515, brought up 13 title(s), showing 1 - 13. 12 removed. Sorting by Price Ascending.
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McDonough JM
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Ergodebooks /Biblio
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Springer, Date: 2003-05-31. 2003. hardcover. Used: Good. 2003. Springer ISBN 1402013515 9781402013515 [US]
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J. M. Mcdonough
ISBN10: 1402013515, ISBN13: 9781402013515, [publisher: Springer Netherlands, Springer Netherlands] Hardcover Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Printed after ordering - The Navajo language is spoken by the Navajo people who live in the Navajo Nation, located in Arizona and New Mexico in the southwestern United States. The Navajo language belongs to the Southern, or Apachean, branch of the Athabaskan language family. Athabaskan languages are closely related by their shared morphological structure; these languages have a productive and extensive inflectional morphology. The Northern Athabaskan languages are primarily spoken by people indigenous to the sub-artic stretches of North America. Related Apachean languages are the Athabaskan languages of the Southwest: Chiricahua, Jicarilla, White Mountain and Mescalero Apache. While many other languages, like English, have benefited from decades of research on their sound and speech systems, instrumental analyses of indigenous languages are relatively rare. There is a great deal ofwork to do before a chapter on the acoustics of Navajo comparable to the standard acoustic description of English can be produced. The kind of detailed phonetic description required, for instance, to synthesize natural sounding speech, or to provide a background for clinical studies in a language is well beyond the scope of a single study, but it is necessary to begin this greater work with a fundamental description of the sounds and supra-segmental structu ...
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McDonough JM
Ergodebooks /Biblio
Springer, Date: 2003-05-31. 2003. hardcover. Used:Good. 2003. Springer ISBN 1402013515 9781402013515 [US]
McDonough, J.M.
Lucky's Textbooks /Abebooks
ISBN10: 1402013515, ISBN13: 9781402013515, [publisher: Springer] Hardcover
[Dallas, TX, U.S.A.] [Publication Year: 2003]
McDonough J. M.
MGY Direct /Biblio
Springer. Hardcover. NEW. Springer ISBN 1402013515 9781402013515 [US]
J. M. Mcdonough
AHA-BUCH GmbH /AbebooksDE
ISBN10: 1402013515, ISBN13: 9781402013515, [publisher: Springer Netherlands, Springer Netherlands] Hardcover Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Printed after ordering - The Navajo language is spoken by the Navajo people who live in the Navajo Nation, located in Arizona and New Mexico in the southwestern United States. The Navajo language belongs to the Southern, or Apachean, branch of the Athabaskan language family. Athabaskan languages are closely related by their shared morphological structure; these languages have a productive and extensive inflectional morphology. The Northern Athabaskan languages are primarily spoken by people indigenous to the sub-artic stretches of North America. Related Apachean languages are the Athabaskan languages of the Southwest: Chiricahua, Jicarilla, White Mountain and Mescalero Apache. While many other languages, like English, have benefited from decades of research on their sound and speech systems, instrumental analyses of indigenous languages are relatively rare. There is a great deal ofwork to do before a chapter on the acoustics of Navajo comparable to the standard acoustic description of English can be produced. The kind of detailed phonetic description required, for instance, to synthesize natural sounding speech, or to provide a background for clinical studies in a language is well beyond the scope of a single study, but it is necessary to begin this greater work with a fundamental description of the sounds and supra-segmental structu ...
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McDonough, J.M.
Ria Christie Collections /AbebooksUK
ISBN10: 1402013515, ISBN13: 9781402013515, [publisher: Springer] Hardcover In
[Uxbridge, United Kingdom] [Publication Year: 2003]
McDonough JM. J. M.
Bonita /Biblio
hardcover. Good. Access codes and supplements are not guaranteed with used items. May be an ex-library book. ISBN 1402013515 9781402013515 [US]
JM. McDonough J. M.
Cold Books /Biblio
Springer , pp. 232 . Hardback. New. Springer ISBN 1402013515 9781402013515 [US]
J.M. McDonough
Books Puddle /Abebooks
ISBN10: 1402013515, ISBN13: 9781402013515, [publisher: Springer] Hardcover pp. 232
[New York, NY, U.S.A.] [Publication Year: 2003]
McDonough, J.M.
BennettBooksLtd /Abebooks
ISBN10: 1402013515, ISBN13: 9781402013515, [publisher: Springer] Hardcover In shrink wrap. Looks like an interesting title!
[North Las Vegas, NV, U.S.A.] [Publication Year: 2003]
McDonough, J.M.
Mispah books /AbebooksUK
ISBN10: 1402013515, ISBN13: 9781402013515, [publisher: Springer] Hardcover Like New
[Redhill, SURRE, United Kingdom] [Publication Year: 2003]
McDonough JM
GridFreed LLC /Biblio
Springer, Date: 2003-05-31. Hardcover. New. In shrink wrap. Looks like an interesting title! 2003. Springer ISBN 1402013515 9781402013515 [US]

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